Wartend unter nicht deutschen Eichen roch Lisa immer chemnitzer Hundekuchen

  • Ich habe mal wieder eine Idee für einen Wortspiel-Spamthread in einem anderen Forum entdeckt und dachte mir es wäre auch für hier was.
    Das Spiel besteht darin Sätze aus den Buchstaben des letzten Wortes eines Satzes zu bilden der ebenfalls aus den Buchstaben des letzten Wortes des Satzes davor gebildet wurde. Beispiele:


    Wartend unter nicht deutschen Eichen roch Lisa immer chemnitzer Hundekuchen


    Hossa! und Nacht den eisbeinigen Köchen unzähliger chinesischer Hunde einer Nymphe

    Weiter ginge es nun also mit NYMPHE.

  • Eloquente Langenscheidtleser essen ganz ausgezeichnete natürliche Tiere.

    -> Tiere

    There are things... waiting in the darkness. Creatures of metal.. fire.. and blood.
    But he's out there, burning through time, facing a thousand dangers across the stars and never giving up. He looks like a man, but he's a legend. And his name... is The Doctor.
    He'll come back to save us and this time I'm gonna be ready.
    Then just like that - We'll be gone.
    Donna Noble (3rd Companion of the 10th Doctor)

  • Rembrandt

    Rüsselsheimer Ein-Mal-Bremser rufen anstandslos nach der Tiefkühlpizza.


    Name: Korigan

    Adoptiere auch eins! @Pokémon Waisenhaus

    In an average lifetime, the human heart will beat two billion times. You’ll produce over eight thousand gallons of saliva and grow three hundred and fifty miles of hair. You’ll eat the equivalent in weight of six elephants. The average life is full of near misses and absolute hits, of great love and small disasters. It’s made up of banana milkshakes, loft installation and random shoes. It’s dead ordinary and truly, truly amazing. What you’ve got to realise is, it’s all here now. So breathe deep and swallow it whole, because take it from me - life just whizzes by and then all of a sudden it’s… (Torchwood - "Random Shoes")

  • aufgegessen

    Anton und Frau Gertraud essen gerne essbare Sachen. Suchen sie einen Negerkuss?

    There are things... waiting in the darkness. Creatures of metal.. fire.. and blood.
    But he's out there, burning through time, facing a thousand dangers across the stars and never giving up. He looks like a man, but he's a legend. And his name... is The Doctor.
    He'll come back to save us and this time I'm gonna be ready.
    Then just like that - We'll be gone.
    Donna Noble (3rd Companion of the 10th Doctor)

  • Nahrung

    Nach Atlantis hat Richard ununterbrochen nach gesucht.

    There are things... waiting in the darkness. Creatures of metal.. fire.. and blood.
    But he's out there, burning through time, facing a thousand dangers across the stars and never giving up. He looks like a man, but he's a legend. And his name... is The Doctor.
    He'll come back to save us and this time I'm gonna be ready.
    Then just like that - We'll be gone.
    Donna Noble (3rd Companion of the 10th Doctor)

  • Englisch
    Eine Nudel genügt locker in Sachen Chillisoßen- Hackbraten. (irgendwie sind meine Sätze die miesesten :angry_face: )

    There are things... waiting in the darkness. Creatures of metal.. fire.. and blood.
    But he's out there, burning through time, facing a thousand dangers across the stars and never giving up. He looks like a man, but he's a legend. And his name... is The Doctor.
    He'll come back to save us and this time I'm gonna be ready.
    Then just like that - We'll be gone.
    Donna Noble (3rd Companion of the 10th Doctor)

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