What Furry are you? :D

  • Ich wollte schon immer mal wissen was für ein Viech ich wäre als Furry :D

    das geht hier

    Ich bin ne Katze^^

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.people.vanderbilt.e…dson/furryquiz/feline.jpg]
    You're a feline! You're self-confident, but it's not like you didn't know that already, right? You're comfortable being in charge if you have to be, but you prefer to sit back and let someone else handle things. However, there is that nasty controlling streak that gets the better of you at times... Others might think of you as aloof and distant, but when you find something or someone you like, you'll be purring like the happy kitten you are at heart. You ole softie.

    Leaderly: Lion
    Lazy: Tiger
    Shy: Cougar, Puma
    Active: Panther
    Social: Domestic Cat

  • Rabbits, Rats, Roos, Raccoons, Meeses...

    <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/smamam.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>

    You're a small mammal! You're shy. Or maybe not. Who knows? One thing is for certain: You're definitely a mystery to those around you. You neither put your thoughts forward nor make your feelings known. Still, people tend to like you even though they can't figure you out. If you do make yourself known to people, chances are they think you're smart and quite coy. You have a soothing effect on those around you, although some people may find your reserved demeanor disturbing. You like being alone best, although people don't bother you, since you're good at tuning out distractions.

    Nice: Rabbit
    Naughty: Rat
    Active: Squirrel, Chipmunk
    Clever: Raccoon
    Social: Mouse
    Trendy: Kangaroo
    Shy: Bat
    Crazy: Jackalope

    no comment

  • Uih, ich bin net unbedingt ein Furry, aber das hier is mindestens genauso gut ^^

    <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/scalie.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>

    You're a scalie/avian! (Strange pairing, yeah, but after all, birds evolved from reptiles!) You're quite intelligent and often logical...which is interpreted by some people as cold and calculating. However, your logic pales in comparison to your emotional side. You're not that energetic, but woe to the one that strikes your ire--you can pack quite a nasty bite. You aren't at your best in a crowd, and you probably don't have that many close friends either...probably because of the fact that behind the facade of your dual icy/fiery exterior...you're a little shy and insecure.

    Moody: Dragon
    Friendly: Dinosaur
    Creative: Lizard
    Sensual: Snake
    Perky: Gryphon, Hippogriff
    Proud: Bird of Prey (Falcon, Eagle, etc.)

    Mh gar nich mal schlecht die Prognose ^^


    Name: Korigan

    Adoptiere auch eins! @Pokémon Waisenhaus

    In an average lifetime, the human heart will beat two billion times. You’ll produce over eight thousand gallons of saliva and grow three hundred and fifty miles of hair. You’ll eat the equivalent in weight of six elephants. The average life is full of near misses and absolute hits, of great love and small disasters. It’s made up of banana milkshakes, loft installation and random shoes. It’s dead ordinary and truly, truly amazing. What you’ve got to realise is, it’s all here now. So breathe deep and swallow it whole, because take it from me - life just whizzes by and then all of a sudden it’s… (Torchwood - "Random Shoes")

  • Echt netter Test, wirklich =)

    Und keine Panic ThunderMaster... Deine Spezies zählt auch zu den FURRIES, auch wenn sie keinen Pelz hat *GG*

    Zu meinem Ergebnis: (ist eigentlich nciht wirklich verwunderlich.... )

    <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/wolf.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>

    You're a wolf! Wolves come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, ut they all have in common that they are fairly balanced individuals. You have your good days and bad days, but in general life goes on. Chances are you're not overly flashy nor too subdued. You manage things with a sort of simple class and are probably talented in whatever you set your mind on. Wolves are a very common type in the Furry world, so that means you're a bit generic...but being part of a group doesn't bother you, and you're quite okay alone as well.

    Loner: Coyote
    Creative: Dingo
    Sporty: Hyena
    Shy: Folf
    Original: Domesticated Dog

    Achja, falls sich einige Fragen sollten, ein <b> Folf </b> ist eine Mischung aus Wolf und Fuchs =)

  • ich hätte zwar ein kaninchen erwartet, aber here it comes !

    <ahref="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/wolf.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>

    You're a wolf! Wolves come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but they all have in common that they are fairly balanced individuals. You have your good days and bad days, but in general life goes on. Chances are you're not overly flashy nor too subdued. You manage things with a sort of simple class and are probably talented in whatever you set your mind on. Wolves are a very common type in the Furry world, so that means you're a bit generic...but being part of a group doesn't bother you, and you're quite okay alone as well.

    Loner: Coyote
    Creative: Dingo
    Sporty: Hyena
    Shy: Folf
    Original: Domesticated Dog

    wobei auf mich dann der folf zutrifft

  • Dragons, Dinos, Reptiles, & Avians

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/scalie.jpg]

    You're a scalie/avian! (Strange pairing, yeah, but after all, birds evolved from reptiles!) You're quite intelligent and often logical...which is interpreted by some people as cold and calculating. However, your logic pales in comparison to your emotional side. You're not that energetic, but woe to the one that strikes your ire--you can pack quite a nasty bite. You aren't at your best in a crowd, and you probably don't have that many close friends either...probably because of the fact that behind the facade of your dual icy/firy exterior...you're a little shy and insecure.

    Moody: Dragon
    Friendly: Dinosaur
    Creative: Lizard
    Sensual: Snake
    Perky: Gryphon, Hippogriff
    Proud: Bird of Prey (Falcon, Eagle, etc.)

  • <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/wolf.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>
    You're a wolf! Wolves come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but they all have in common that they are fairly balanced individuals. You have your good days and bad days, but in general life goes on. Chances are you're not overly flashy nor too subdued. You manage things with a sort of simple class and are probably talented in whatever you set your mind on. Wolves are a very common type in the Furry world, so that means you're a bit generic...but being part of a group doesn't bother you, and you're quite okay alone as well.

    Loner: Coyote
    Creative: Dingo
    Sporty: Hyena
    Shy: Folf
    Original: Domesticated Dog

    Irgenddwie glaub ich da noch nicht ganz dran ich glaub ich mach das nochmal.

    <a href="http://thesandman.star-web.org/forum/ticketback_s.jpg" target="blank_"><img src="http://thesandman.star-web.org/forum/ticketcover_s.jpg"></img></a>

  • Hmm naja wie gesagt ich glaubs noch nicht ganz deswegen hab ich mir die angekreuzten antworten aufgeschrieben und machs nochmal. Naja ein bischen ist sicher meistens war aber man wird auch immer in eine Rolle gedrängt die nicht unbedingt immer 100% zutrifft.

    <a href="http://thesandman.star-web.org/forum/ticketback_s.jpg" target="blank_"><img src="http://thesandman.star-web.org/forum/ticketcover_s.jpg"></img></a>

  • nunja, es werden ja typische Charakterzeichen abgefragt und die dann entsprechend sortiert. Hinkommen tut das schon^^

    Ich fühle mich schon als Katze^^ schon immer :smiling_face:

    Ich hab schon immer gesagt: "Ich bin ein Katzenmensch" is so. Mit den Viechern verstehe ich mich am besten.

    Ich gehöre auch zu den wenigen Menschen, die es schaffen eine Katze zu erziehen :D und das ist wirklich nicht einfach oO diese sturen Biester *lol*

  • Ja das mit den Verhaltensweisen und Charakterzügen stimmt schon teilweise.
    Aber ab und zu kann ich mich da auch nicht entscheiden... Naja.
    Ich bin auch eher ein Katzenmensch...
    Ich fühle mich aber von den Felinen und den Caniden gleichermaßen angezogen, allerdings hattenw ir nie einen Hund zu Hause..
    Nur ein alter Kater, der eine Zeitlang sogar auf seinen Namen gehört hat. Mittlerweile ist er leider fast taub und hört daher kaum etwas....
    Ist eben Alterschwach, der Gute.

    Also Wölfe und Löwen sind sowiso die Tiere, die mich am meisten beeindrucken... ich kann das nicht richtig beschreiben :winking_face:

    Aber die Gruppe der "Furrys" kennt dieses gefühl, wie Du es beschrieben hast nur zu gut. Ich denke der Test dient in erster Linie zur Orientierung, welche Tierart eben am besten zu den jeweiligen Characterzügen passt.
    Ich muß zugeben, als ich einmal einen anderen Test gemacht habe, wurde ich als Krokodil eingestuft, weil ich gerne in der Sonne döse... Dabei tun das Doch Löwen und Wölfe auch :winking_face:

    Von diesen Tests gibt es ja eine Menge... Ich habe mal einen gefunden, der einem sagte welche Mac Doof Speise man ist °_°

  • @Tai: Der Test wäre doch mal lustig, wer wollte nicht schon immer mal wissen welcher Burger er ist :D

    Hier geselle ich mich als noch ein Wolf in die Runde

    <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/wolf.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>

    You're a wolf! Wolves come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but they all have in common that they are fairly balanced individuals. You have your good days and bad days, but in general life goes on. Chances are you're not overly flashy nor too subdued. You manage things with a sort of simple class and are probably talented in whatever you set your mind on. Wolves are a very common type in the Furry world, so that means you're a bit generic...but being part of a group doesn't bother you, and you're quite okay alone as well.

    Loner: Coyote
    Creative: Dingo
    Sporty: Hyena
    Shy: Folf
    Original: Domesticated Dog

  • nene, ich bin eben der einsame wolf von natur. kaninchen sind mir zu dumm (nix für ungut Ark) und katzen, na ja, ich mag sie, jedoch hatte ich noch nie was geheimnissvolles an mir *g*. Von echsenwesen halte ich sowieso nix...

  • Wobei der "typische einsame Wolf" ja eigentlich tot unglücklich ist..
    Wölfe sind nunmal Rudeltiere und manchen bricht es das Herz, wenn sie das Rudel verlassen müssen...
    Natürlich gibt es Einzelgänger, aber die sind eben meist ganz unten in der Rangordnung...

    Wie gesagt sind die Katzen eher diejenigen, die auf eigene Faust etwas unternehmen. Bis auf Löwen sind ja die meisten Katzen nicht an ein Rudel gebunden...

  • <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/wolf.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>
    You're a wolf! Wolves come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but they all have in common that they are fairly balanced individuals. You have your good days and bad days, but in general life goes on. Chances are you're not overly flashy nor too subdued. You manage things with a sort of simple class and are probably talented in whatever you set your mind on. Wolves are a very common type in the Furry world, so that means you're a bit generic...but being part of a group doesn't bother you, and you're quite okay alone as well.

    Loner: Coyote
    Creative: Dingo
    Sporty: Hyena
    Shy: Folf
    Original: Domesticated Dog

    hm irgendwie sind fast alle wölfe oder mein ich das nur :D

    Keine Signatur zu haben ist immerhin besser als eine schlechte. Dx

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kotoro ()

  • <a href="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/furryquiz.htm"><img src="http://www.people.vanderbilt.edu/~mykaelus.dodson/furryquiz/hoofer.jpg" border=0 frameborder=0></a>

    ich denk ich schließ den thread dann jetzt :t:

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